Servizi offerti | Agriturismo Marongiu Sardegna

What We Do

Absolute authenticity of the raw ingredients.

This is the fundamental principle characterising our hospitality and this is why we are an "agriturismo", in the real meaning of the word.

All foods and products we offer come from our agricultural and breeding activities (pigs, sheep, goats, wild boars and farmyard animals). Our olive groves give us a very fragrant extra virgin oil, the wines - red and white - and the table grapes come from our vineyards. We also harvest all the fruit and vegetables; we produce cheeses, jams and fruit juices too. Are you looking for a written menu and a choice of a thousand dishes?

Sophisticated tables or refined cuisine with many frills? We are not right for you. Here everything is served in the name of simplicity. The courses change every day according to the seasons. Our dishes are the fruit of our commitment to transforming the raw ingredients that the land and work offer us.

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